答辩委员会 (3)
主 席:田德蓓 安徽大学 教授 专业:英语
委 员:王文铃 必赢437官方网站 副教授 专业:英语
委 员:唐军 必赢437官方网站 副教授 专业:英语
答辩秘书:肖薇 必赢437官方网站 讲师
(答辩秘书电话: 13855166841 babybear0102@sina.com)
研究生 | 指导教师 | 硕士论文题目 |
韩江洪 | The Translations of Eileen Chang’s Fiction from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics | |
徐昊 | 韩江洪 | A Study on George Kao’s Translation |
常婷婷 | 韩江洪 | Similarity of States of Mind" Hypothesis――Exemplified by Translations of Stray Birds |
徐曼曼 | 韩江洪 | A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of The Secret Garden from the Perspective of Translation Aesthetics |
梁娟 | 韩江洪 | A Comparative Study of Three Chinese Versions of Shelley's Ode to the West Wind in Light of Rewriting Theory |
张涛 | 胡作友 | On Subtitle Translation of English Movies with Chinese Elements from the Perspective of the Functional Equivalence Theory --- A Case Study of Kungfu Panda |
孙莹 | 王华 | A Study of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall from the Perspective of Biblical Archetypes |